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👋 Welcome to your Team HQ

👋 Welcome to your Team HQ

👋 Welcome to your Team HQ

Plural Imagineers

Oct 1, 2024

🎯 Your Team Challenge

🎯 Your Team Challenge

🎯 Your Team Challenge

🎯 Your Team Challenge

The game purposefully starts with a successful scenario and invites you to work backwards to identify the contributions of each of your team's pluriversal roles. Below is the Nexus Challenge you've chosen to focus on.

The game purposefully starts with a successful scenario and invites you to work backwards to identify the contributions of each of your team's pluriversal roles. Below is the Nexus Challenge you've chosen to focus on.

The game purposefully starts with a successful scenario and invites you to work backwards to identify the contributions of each of your team's pluriversal roles. Below is the Nexus Challenge you've chosen to focus on.

Your Team has selected

Your Team has selected

Your Team has selected




✏️ Writing A Collective Story

✏️ Writing A Collective Story

✏️ Writing A Collective Story

✏️ Writing A Collective Story

The challenge we face is of a particular world - often reflective of a dominant, European-centric, capitalist, rational, secular and patriarchal self. Viewing our challenges through this lens, shapes our reality and our ability to think about what might be possible.

This game invites you to shift towards a more pluriversal perspective encompassing many different ways of being, knowing, making and doing. Taking on the character your pluriversal role cards suggest, consider how you'll face this challenge together.

Begin a discussion as a team, of how you reached your success, given who you are as a collective of characters. The goal is to reflect, engage in generative dialogue and create a truly shared story.

When the dialogue feels complete, spend some time time writing this shared story. How did these characters get to these solutions, together? How do each character’s strengths (or blind spots) contribute to solutions for the group?  What is the chemistry of the team? What emerged out of the group dynamics?

The challenge we face is of a particular world - often reflective of a dominant, European-centric, capitalist, rational, secular and patriarchal self. Viewing our challenges through this lens, shapes our reality and our ability to think about what might be possible.

This game invites you to shift towards a more pluriversal perspective encompassing many different ways of being, knowing, making and doing. Taking on the character your pluriversal role cards suggest, consider how you'll face this challenge together.

Begin a discussion as a team, of how you reached your success, given who you are as a collective of characters. The goal is to reflect, engage in generative dialogue and create a truly shared story.

When the dialogue feels complete, spend some time time writing this shared story. How did these characters get to these solutions, together? How do each character’s strengths (or blind spots) contribute to solutions for the group?  What is the chemistry of the team? What emerged out of the group dynamics?

The challenge we face is of a particular world - often reflective of a dominant, European-centric, capitalist, rational, secular and patriarchal self. Viewing our challenges through this lens, shapes our reality and our ability to think about what might be possible.

This game invites you to shift towards a more pluriversal perspective encompassing many different ways of being, knowing, making and doing. Taking on the character your pluriversal role cards suggest, consider how you'll face this challenge together.

Begin a discussion as a team, of how you reached your success, given who you are as a collective of characters. The goal is to reflect, engage in generative dialogue and create a truly shared story.

When the dialogue feels complete, spend some time time writing this shared story. How did these characters get to these solutions, together? How do each character’s strengths (or blind spots) contribute to solutions for the group?  What is the chemistry of the team? What emerged out of the group dynamics?

Your Team's Stories

See the Individual Stories your Team has written

Check out the stories by clicking on your individual team members below

Your Team's Stories

See the Individual Stories your Team has written

Check out the stories by clicking on your individual team members below

Your Team's Stories

See the Individual Stories your Team has written

Check out the stories by clicking on your individual team members below

Your Team's Stories

See the Individual Stories your Team has written
Check out the stories by clicking on your individual team members below

Upload Your Story

Upload Your Story

Upload Your Story

Upload Your Story

Submit your Team pluriversal story here

Submit your Team pluriversal story here

Upload your Team's story here. It will appear at the bottom of your Team page and you'll also be able to see it in the Pluriverse Chronicles library of stories.

Team Story Checklist

Team Story Checklist

Team Story Checklist

Team Story Checklist

✅ Have you addressed the Nexus Challenge?

✅ Have you told the story of how your team contributed to the solve?

✅ Have you included the contributions of each member of your team?

✅ Did each team member play a role in addressing the challenge?

✅ Have you addressed the Nexus Challenge?

✅ Have you told the story of how your team contributed to the solve?

✅ Have you included the contributions of each member of your team?

✅ Did each team member play a role in addressing the challenge?

✅ Have you addressed the Nexus Challenge?

✅ Have you told the story of how your team contributed to the solve?

✅ Have you included the contributions of each member of your team?

✅ Did each team member play a role in addressing the challenge?


✨ Your Shared Team Story ✨

✨ Your Shared Team Story ✨

✨ Your Shared Team Story ✨


Climate Solutions through focusing on energy nexus

Aliya’s and Jeanette’s worldviews focus on systemic growth and creation whereas Brian’s worldview is based on systemic unmaking. While potentially philosophically opposite, appreciating that growth and unmaking can coexist as equally important parts of intentioned creation. Whereas each team member focuses on different dimensions of our world, their efforts in collaboration and combination can potentially create approaches that integrate living, physical / elemental, and spiritual / metaphysical aspects of our realities. Both Aliya and Brian’s worldviews take advantage of organic opportunities to responsibly disrupt status quo systems that are less than optimal, despite one focusing on growth and the other focusing on unmaking. While both Janette and Brian focus on our physical existences, one creates opportunity for renewal and the other helps ensure that we make the most of these opportunities with responsible and comprehensive intentions.

The Plural Imagineers’ future, a climate-just future is achieved through highly-intentioned cycles of systems renewal. Obsolete infrastructure is responsibly disrupted and removed to trigger a necessitated replacement. With a deep appreciation of meta-physical and physical considerations, newly installed infrastructure is developed through good ontological design principes and practices. Newly installed infrastructure also serves multiple functions to maximize returns on investment – being ecologically integrated enables food production along with the intentioned energy and/or transportation systems functionality.

✨ Your Story ✨

✨ Your Story ✨

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An invitation to radically reimagine futures possible.

A work-in-progress Design Futures Project developed as part of the UH Masters of Foresight Program.

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An invitation to radically reimagine futures possible.

A work-in-progress Design Futures Project developed as part of the UH Masters of Foresight Program.

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An invitation to radically reimagine futures possible.

A work-in-progress Design Futures Project developed as part of the UH Masters of Foresight Program.

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An invitation to radically reimagine futures possible.

A work-in-progress Design Futures Project developed as part of the UH Masters of Foresight Program.