Solve a Climate Challenge
The game purposefully starts with a successful scenario and invites the players to work backwards to identify the contributions of their pluriversal roles. Players choose a challenge from the Nexus Challenge map based and state a one-sentence description of it using this structure:
Food, water, and energy are interconnected elements in any solution set. Begin your explorations by choosing one path, e.g. food.
A Pluriversal Posture
What changes might we require to enact varied approaches?
Be Optimistic
Players begin with a transformation scenario in which a systemic challenge has been successfully solved for through various interventions.
Be Flexible
Players can choose the game’s duration, depending on their needs, size and nature of the group.
Start with Yes and . . .
Apply a Yes, and mindset. Include and build on all contributions. Make simple offers that add something tangible to the story.
Take an Empathetic Posture
Integrate compassionate understanding and genuine concern for others in how you think, feel and act.
Create your Pluriversal Character
Generate 5 cards randomly using the generator below
Team HQ